Searching for Tai Lopez girlfriend?
Tai Lopez is everywhere.
I’m sure you’ve seen his
“here in my garage’ video ad.
I’ve seen those too.
In fact, the more I watched it, the more curious I was about Tai. Now that I’ve followed him and watched all his free videos. I kind of LIKE this guy!
I know!!
I’m not shy to admit that I don’t despise this guy. Based on all the free knowledge he is spreading on his snapchat, his twitter, and youtube videos. Tai is someone you should be following.
Watching his videos and seeing all the beautiful ladies he’s around with. I’m sure you’re wondering. Who is Tai dating? Who is Tai Lopez girlfriend?
I’m sure you have more questions about Tai Lopez.
Well, you’re in luck because in this blog post; I’ll cover some questions you might have about Tai Lopez such as:
- Who is Tai Lopez girlfriend?
- Tai Lopez’s net-worth
- How tall is Tai Lopez
- What is Tai Lopez style
- Is Tai Lopez 67 Steps a scam?
Are you ready? Let’s start.
Who is Tai Lopez Girlfriend
Tai Lopez is currently dating Kenna Alastair.

According to her Instagram account, Tai and Kenna met two and a half years ago (I’m assuming mid-2014). It’s unsure how long after they met that they started dating. It wasn’t until a year ago before we saw them posting photos of each other on social media platforms. I guess they’ve been dating for a year and a half now? (as of April 2016)
Who is Kenna Alastair?
Kenna Alastair is a model based in LA.
Here’s a photo from Kenna’s portfolio taken from her Instagram.
What is Kenna Alastair Instagram?
Here you go. @kennaalastair
What is Tai Lopez’s net worth
Tai Lopez’ personal net worth is hard to estimate. According to my research, Tai Lopez is an investor, a consultant, partner, and advisor in over 20 businesses that are valued millions.
Most sites estimate his net worth to be between $3 and $5 million. I believe it’s more than that based on the people he mixes with, his expenses, his exotic cars, and so on.
How tall is Tai Lopez
Unfortunately, there isn’t any data as to how tall is Tai Lopez. However, if I photo of his selfies with several other people, then compare the height of these people, I can roughly estimate that Tai is about 5’10” or 5″11 max.
Tai Lopez Style
Tai Lopez dresses quite simple. It’s easy to replicate the way he dresses. You can probably get most of what he wears from stores like Zara. Following him on snapchat, I can assure you that he shops there pretty often.
His style usually consists of:
- An outer
- Basic shirt
- Basic everyday pants
- Basketball shoes
What stands out most about his style is the basketball shoes, which he changes on a daily basis. Those screams attention and cash!
Is Tai Lopez 67 Steps a scam?
As someone who have gone through all Tai Lopez 67 Steps program, I can confidently say that it’s not. The 67 steps program were something Tai made for his employees. It was lessons that he learned from his five mentors. Originally it had over 300 Steps; then he decided to trim it down to the best 67 steps. After seeing how his employees loved it and were growing, he decided it was something the public could benefit from. You can read a full Tai Lopez 67 Steps Review there.
Some people may HATE Tai Lopez’s 67 Steps program because they think it’s an overnight success program. That if you buy it and go through it, then you’ll be RICH like Tai.
I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but that’s not how the world works. You want to make a change, take all of 67 Steps and take action.
Any questions about Tai Lopez?
What other questions do you have other than who is Tai Lopez girlfriend and the rest that I’ve answered above?? Feel free to comment below. Happy to answer those questions in a future post.