Should you wear elevator shoes or height increasing shoes to look taller? These shoes have been around for quite a while. Some people know about it, some people don't. If you don't know anything about it, don't worry. In this blog post. We'll cover every single thing you know about these shoes or some might call it..... shoes that make men taller. Everything you need to know about elevator shoes First, what are elevator shoes? Elevator shoes are also known as lift shoes or height increasing shoes. In short (no pun intended), they are shoes that make you … [Read more...]
Best way for short men to learn how to dress better
Growing up, I was always terrible at dressing up. Dressing up changed my life, I shared how dressing up had changed my life in a longer blog post here. I learn how to dress better. On my Instagram account, I get people asking me about my height and asking me for some fashion tips. I respond to 100% of them (unless I missed it). In this post, I want to share with you the best ways for short men to learn how to dress. Many of them are based on my personal experience. Best way for short men to learn how to dress better 1. Know your body The first tip … [Read more...]
5 Reasons a Short Guys Make a Better Husband
Simply put, women are pickier when it comes to height requirements. We all know this is true. I've put turned down by many women who are taller than me. It hurts! In fact, the last survey by Psychology Today reveals that women do not see short men as good options as tall man. The survey also included a case study from a blogger, who was 5 feet and 4 inches tall. After adding five more inches to his height on a social network profile, he got a higher response rate from women. NOOO WAYYYY!! Another methodical experiment and survey found out that almost half women … [Read more...]
Why should You Date a Short Guy? Top 8 Reasons!
Fun fact! According to many surveys, the majority of women mock at the idea of dating a short guy. According to one survey by High And Mighty, 70% of women say a man under 6 feet wouldn't stand a chance with them. Ouch, as someone who's 5'3. That hurts! Apparently dating a man under 6 feet is something We cannot process. Simply put, shorter guys have no chances with those women. 0% It's no lie that society has set standards that men MUST be taller than women. That is the current reality. Have you seen how people would look at a couple of the men is shorter? Some … [Read more...]