What is Saltbae’s real name? Who is Saltbae? How tall is Saltbae? What is Saltbae height?
If you don’t know who he is, I’m sure you’ve seen his most viral video on the internet. Nusret Gökçe’s or better known as Saltbae over the top seasoning earned him the nickname ‘Salt Bae’.

Here are some fun facts about Saltbae:
- Name: Nusret Gökçe
- Nationality: Turkish
- Born: 1983
- Saltbae Instagram: nusr_et
- Saltbae height: 173cm-175cm or 5’8″
He’s also the man and chef and restaurant owner called Nusr-Et Steakhouse, which has chain around the world. Recently his restaurant is valued at 1.5 billion.
His restaurant attracts people from all around the world and even celebrities. People around the world not onlt want to get a taste of the food but also to meet the legend himself. His restaurant has attracted big names such as Leonardo Dicarpio, David Beckham, DJ Khaled, Simone Biles & more.
While I can’t speak for the food, I can say his personal attention to people is amazing.
What is Saltbae’s height or how tall is Saltbae (Nusret Gökçe)?
There is no public data on how tall Saltbae is. I had to do my own digging.
I did my research comparing pictures Saltbae took with other celebrities to get a better idea of how tall Saltbae is. That would give me a rough estimation since I have a side by side comparison.

The best picture to compare to was a picture he took with DJ Khaled. I used DJ Khaled’s height as a comparison or reference. DJ Khaled is 5’6″ roughly 169cm.
I then crossed referenced that with the average Turkish men height. According to Quora, the average Turkish men height is roughly 173.6cm. As a reference on how tall he is.
From there, we can tell that Saltbae is about the same height as the average men in Turkey. Which is about 5’8″.
In summary, about t 1.74m or 5’8″.