A short man is not less than a tall man.
It took me a while to realize just that.
Today, I want to talk about confidence. It’s a topic I get asked quite a bit. Seriously, I’m an introvert.
I’m the opposite of confidence.
However, many say I look confident.
1. Be amazing at things you do.
I confess. I’m pretty competitive. My girlfriend has a love-hate relationship with that side of me. When I do something, I just have a tendency to want to be great at it. When I put my mind to it, I’ll compete.
Here are a few funny stories, when I jog at the park, I like to imagine someone in front of me as a competition. I’ll follow his speed and then try to chase him and keep my distance. That is the way I am.
Back to the topic. When you’re short, you need to be great at things. You need substance to overshadow your height.
Think Tom Cruise. He’s an amazing and successful actor. While news do pick on his height, it’s doesn’t overshadow his success as an actor. Not to mention his wife is taller than him too.
We as short men need to follow the ‘Tom Cruise Way”.
Be amazing at what you do and the money will follow. Trust me.
Being short, I realized I have to work TWICE as hard as someone who is taller than me. This means putting twice the effort in EVERY single thing that I do whether it’s
- Work
- Workout out
- Anything that I do
2. Dress well.
If you dress well, you will feel better, you will look more attractive and women will like you more or find you more interesting.
One thing I noticed is when I dress well, people treat me differently. Call it judging the book by it’s cover. I’m calling it respect.
If you look presentable and dress respectfully. You’ll feel more confident.
3. Be optimistic
Something I’m still learning. Expect the best out of any situation, believe people perceive you attractive and desirable. Stop thinking people are judging you. It’s tough. I know.
4. Learn to look confident.
Here’s the thing, feeling confident and look confident are two different things. Some people always look confident 24/7.
Short men can learn how to look confident by practicing.
If you think you are confident and look confident, ask your friend or others if they think as you do.
My girlfriend always say I look confident. Deep down, I’m not. Many times I put on an act, guess what? It works!
Here’s the thing, our perception of ourselves isn’t always as accurate as we want it to be.
I always thought I lack in confident but to my surprise, it’s the complete opposite. So, feeling confident isn’t enough, you need to convince others that you are confident.
Practice, practice, practice.
5. Have faith that you will succeed.
Many times, life can get a tad shitty for short men. I know. I’ve been in your shoes.
I’ve been bullied, laughed at for being short, not taken seriously, got rejected because I was short and more.
Trust me. MOVE forward.
Have faith if yourself. It’s easier said than done but it’s something you need to do.
The thing you need to know is we will NEVER be accepted in society’s expectation of men height. The best part is, NOT EVERYONE judges us. So why give a fuck right?
It’s all bullshit. a construction, that is passed through generations. And the best way to deconstruct things like that is to prove they are wrong. The premise that tall men are better than short men comes from an ancient
Don’t let one criticism change who you are.
Short men are attractive. Don’t believe me? Read all these stories of short men dating taller men. Some women do find short men attractive.
Summing up:
Everyone can make it. Believe in yourself, you are the most important person in your life. Peace.
Anyone can make it. YOU, ME, the short guy beside you. Believe in yourself. If you don’t? Who will?
Nicely written Aaron. Love this website of yours. Btw, isn’t Tom Cruise single at the moment?