I confess, I used to be a sloppy dresser.
I never enjoyed dressing up. If you ask me what my style was back then, it would be a shirt and short pants.
My wardrobe used to consist of seven overworn plain shirts and three faded short pants.
I thought I rocked it back then. When people asked me about the way I dressed, I would tell myself ‘beauty is in the eyes of the beholder’ and ‘don’t judge a book b
‘beauty is in the eyes of the beholder’
‘don’t judge a book by it’s cover.’
“Screw style” I said.
In 2015, while going for my yearly shopping to get rid of clothes that don’t fit me or worn off, I realized, I was at a point where I wasn’t happy with the person reflecting in the mirror. I didn’t like who I was seeing.
It at that moment I realized that I was overweight; my hair was terrible, and I was a bad dresser. Yeah, it took me so long.
Since that day, I decided that I was going to do something about me, I chose to care for my body by working out. In a year, I lost over 30lbs.
Next was dressing better, I can tell you it many experiments to see what suited me. I wished there was more guides back then. Now there are a few awesome sites.
Here’s my transformation.
A few years ago
(you can check out more styles at @shortofheight instagram)
When I began to change, I experienced something that changed my mind completely about being healthy and dressing up.
Here’s how being healthy and dressing better changed my life.
How Being Healthy & Dressing Better Changed My Life
1. I have a boost in confidence
You see, I’m an introvert. I’m not one who loves to meet new people. It takes me a while to get used to being around new people.
However, I feel like when I dressed up, it was easier. People weren’t looking at me like I was a nut job or anything like that.
I feel more confident because I know that I’m going to look presentable. Now I can focus on what people say instead of thinking about what they were thinking of me, which was usually the case previously.
According to Riskology, what you wear do have an impact on other peoples opinion on you. The author of the post mentioned that when asked for direction, he listened to someone who was dressed better.
2. I find out who my real friends were
Something interesting I discovered was, I found out who my true friends were. You see, when you want to do something or change something about yourself, you’ll find your friends fall into categories such as:
- Non supportive: These people tend to tell you NOT to do it because it’s HARD, it’s expensive, or any reason to try to stop you from doing it. Deep down, they probably want to change but was afraid to, so they don’t want you to do the same.
- The partially supportive: These people will support you telling you that should do something, halfway after seeing your amazing progress they try to ask you to stop. They give you excuses like, you look too thin, you look old when you lose weight, you look ridiculous wearing that new out (which you look amazing), they are afraid you’ll overcut them and look better than them.
- The supportive: These are your best friends, they will be there to support you along the way. They will give you real but sometimes negative feedbacks but will give other feedbacks which they think can help.
3. I have tons of energy!
My energy came from me changing my eating habits. Instead of simply eating what I saw, I measured and knew how much calories were going into my body. I knew the amount of fat, protein and carbs (yes I eat carbs).
Eating right gave me energy I never had previously. I can workout properly and there weren’t those evenings where I just feel like sleeping.
In fact, every evening, I’ll try to workout since I have energy that can last me the entire day.
4. I got more attention
Yes! When I dressed up, I got more attention online and offline.
Online: People told me how great I looked. Some even messaged me to ask me where I got my clothes from.
My Instagram account also blew up because people loved what I wore and wanted to be inspired. This was also the reason I started this blog. I wanted to share more tips and help others dress better.
Offline: Maybe it’s me, but I feel like sales staff gave me more attention. Previously when I’m at a store, I could try clothes and the staff won’t say anything to me.
I thought that was normal. Now they ask me how were the clothes if I needed a different size and tell me about discounts I never knew that had. I also felt when I asked for something; they were quicker to respond. Maybe they didn’t think I was someone who just wanted to try on clothes and not buy it. Who knows.
If you’ve worked in sales, let me know.
5. People ask me for advice
Maybe it’s the ‘image’ that I was portraying with the clothes I wore and looked healthier, but I do get people asking for advice.
People who used to ignore me would come to me and ask me questions.
People would ask me about my clothes, what they could were, my exercise routines, etc.
Some would even ask me for advice because they are short and they want to be like me. While I’m flatter by that, I usually tell them to be them instead.
Why be someone else when you can be YOU right?
Summing up:
A lot has changed since I became healthier and. These were five of the biggest things that changed for me. What about you? What changed when you did one of these or both? Did dressing better changed your life?
I would love to hear from you.