Looking for fashion tips for short men?If you’re short, there’s nothing much you can do about it. It’s impossible to physically
You came to the right place. If you’re short, there’s nothing much you can do about it. It’s impossible to physically
If you’re short, there’s nothing much you can do about it. It’s impossible to physically increase your height.
Unless of course, you’re wearing elevator shoes.
Let’s not focus on that thought.
The good news is, there are ways to appear taller! The key is DRESSING taller.
Here’s a few comments I get on my instagram at @shortofheight
Are you really 5’4″? You look much taller!
Hey. You look much taller than what you said
You really don’t look 5’4″, you look taller..
How can I look taller?
How do you look so tall?
That was never been the case for me YEARS ago. I was a terrible dresser. Once during tournament, all of us had to wear long pants because there was an official dinner. I wore a black slacks which I thought was okay. My teammates made fun of me because I look ridiculous. They asked me if I wore my dad’s pants. It was not only baggy, it was basically dragging the floor with it. Not only dad, it didn’t match with my top.
I was the joke of the day. Since then I thought I was never going to be good at dressing up or clothes simply didn’t fit me.
Recently, things changed. I took the initiative to learn about styles for short men.
I did so many google searches on fashion tips for short men to learn what I could.
Looking back, I realized that the pants that I wasn’t wearing simply weren’t meant for me. It was for an adult and I was wearing the wrong size and proportion.
What’s worst was I allowed what my friends said to get to me. That I was simply bad at dressing up.
In this blog post. I’ll show you how you can look taller in real life and in photos too. No.. you don’t need photoshop. You just need to follow these easy to follow tips. I’ve picked up many of these tricks along the way.
Now you won’t need to make the same mistakes that I did previously.
Fashion Tips for Short Men: How to Look Taller
Tip 1 to Dress Taller: Wear Close Fitting Clothing
The first of seven fashion tips for short men? It’s to wear close fitting clothing.
Remember the story I shared above? No, I’m not saying you should wear SKINNY pants or TIGHT clothes.
No, I’m not saying you should wear SKINNY pants or TIGHT clothes. Instead. you should wear close fitted clothes or clothes that actually fit YOUR body. Most people make the mistake of wearing clothes that are too loose for them.
Imagine wearing GLOVES that is too big for your hands. What that would do is make your hands relatively smaller since the gloves are the wrong size. Get where I am going with this?
You need to find a brand that fits your body type. Go out and just try clothes. Try to enjoy the experience.
Try clothes that are
- Different sizes:
- People tend to wear clothes that are one or two sizes too big.
- Different cutting
- There are many different cuttings from
- Slim fit
- Asian fit
- etc
- There are many different cuttings from
For me personally, I love clothes from Zara. I find their clothes fit my body type REALLY well.
They have all types of fit that can fit many body types. I tend to stay away from H&M because I find that their clothes tend to fit people who are taller and thin, not short.
Remember! Avoid bagginess. If you’re wearing clothes that are too loose, it doesn’t emphasize your body frame and makes you look sloppy. This will only make you look shorter than you are. Remember the gloves tip.
Different brands will have different fit because they have one type of demographic that they usually aim for. I recommend you go and try them out yourself. Don’t be afraid to experiment.
For me personally, clothes that really fit me are:
- Zara
- Gap
- He by Mango
- Uniqlo
These are some brands that are common everywhere. I hope you can find these stores where you are right now. if not, simply email me and I’ll check.
If you have other stores that you can find clothes that fit you. Email me! I would love to hear it too. Help other short men like you. One day, I’ll compile a list of places of clothing for short men. I am hoping to turn this into an ‘encyclopedia’ for short men one day. We can all help each other out.
If you’re looking to get your dress shirt tailored. I recommend Modern Tailor.
Tip 2 to Dress Taller: Pick Clothes with vertical lines
When it comes to tricks to look taller and longer, wearing vertical stripes is one of the oldest, if not the oldest trick in the book. I’m sure you’ve read that on magazines for women like Glamour.
According to them, you will look 10 pounds lighter.
Not only do they make you look SLIMMER, stripes create long lines and the result is outlook of a taller body. That’s a great way to look taller too.
It is only a bonus that stripes are usually one of the hottest trends during the spring and summer, so you’ll have no problems finding some nice and quality clothes with stripes.
The reason vertical stripes make you look taller is the way the human’s eye works. When the person opposite you sees your stripes, his eye focuses on your verticality, going up and down. Horizontal lines have the opposite effect.
With vertical stripes, you add height even without trying to do it. Make sure that the stripes are narrow enough, and watch for clothes that create empty spaces of monochrome between the stripes. However, the stripes also need to be wide enough so they are visible at first glance.
Keep this rule in mind!
Remember vertical lines = yay!
Horizontal lines = NAY!
Tip 3 to Dress Taller: Pick Shirts with V-Necks
Confession. I love my V-necks!
I’m not sure why so many hate them. The crew-neck is the typical rounded neckline you mostly see on sweaters and shirts. But if you are a short dude trying to look taller, the V-neck is the one you look for.
I highly encourage short men wearing V-necks as the neckline offers two benefits and style enhancers. If you look at my Instagram, you’ll see that I have V-necks in many colors like
- White
- Black
- Navy
- Grey
- Dark Grey
Show a little chest and you’ll look taller. Why you ask? Here’s why you should pick V-necks! First, the angle of the letter V brings out the angles of your outlook and sharpens your face and its features. To put in simple words, you will look more attractive.
Second, V-neck neckline elongates your neck, and by showing more skin on the neck and chest, you lengthen your neckline, which results in you looking taller. Taller and attractive? Sounds pretty good to me!
Taller and attractive? Sounds pretty good to me!
Tip 4 to Dress Taller: Stand straight
I have a QUICK solution that can make you taller in just a few seconds. Stand STRAIGHT! One of the biggest problems with men is that they usually stand and walk slouchy. What happens is that they lower their shoulders. your head and neck, and in reality, it takes away a few inches off your their height, making you shorter than you are.
Don’t do that. Stand straight at all times. One of the ways to practice standing straight is to practice. Practice sitting straight and walking straight. Trust me. Not only will you look more confident, you’ll look taller immediately.
Tip 5: Keep an eye about proportions
Looking taller or dressing your height is all about…. proportions,proportions,proportions!
What did I just say? Proportions!
Since we’re short, we need to keep in mind what many things aren’t meant for me. This means, you have to say goodbye to:
- Shoes that are too large for me. It makes your legs look too big
- NORMAL sized ties. It’s just too big. Get thinner ties or skinny ties
- Big belts. Try picking smaller width belts or wear belts that are the same tone as your pants. It’s all about camouflage.
- Big watches. Unless no one sees you wearing it. Then that’s okay.
Remember, being short doesn’t mean you can’t dress up, it’s all about picking what fits you. This is what I teach in my online course.
Tip 6: Dress is one shade or similar shades
The best fashion tips for short men? When you dress up in one color, you camouflage… well height issues. Most people tend to go with monochrome color.
What does this mean? Monochromatic dressing means dressing yourself all in one color or a particular shade, and the main reason you should do it is styling technique to appear taller. Monochromatic dressing provides you with a vertical
Monochromatic dressing provides you with a vertical image, and blends your attire. When it comes to colors, black is the most common choice for monochromatic look. All other dark colors work as well, since they make the wearer look leaner. YES SLIMMER. We all want that don’t we? Tall and lean! Every time you look leaner, you appear taller to the public as you present in one coherent visual image. Some other options include burgundy, deep green, navy, dark brown or charcoal.
We all want that don’t we? Tall and lean! Every time you look leaner, you appear taller to the public as you present in one coherent visual image. Some other options include burgundy, deep green, navy, dark brown or charcoal.
This is why when wearing a well-tailored suit, people simply look taller. That what was the comment I received from a dear friend of mine when I posted it on my Facebook page.
Tip 7: Hem your pants:
This was probably my biggest mistake when I wore pants previously. Remember the story I told you. People made fun of me because I look like a clown, according to them. Of all the fashion tips for short men I listed above, this was the one that broke me. My pant was simply dragging the floor.
My pant was simply dragging the floor.
I tried to fold it up but it kept falling down because of material was simply too thin. I had to endure them making fun of me the entire dinner. Since then I only wore short pants because I knew it was the safest. When people asked me why I didn’t wear long pants, I simply said: “nahhh, the weather is too hot’
Deep down, I loved long pants but I wasn’t too afraid to look silly.
Then I found out, I simply had to just hem that damn pants! I got my mom to do it for me when I got into University. We had to wear formal clothes on most days. She did a pretty good job at it.
It’s as simple as taking it to your tailor and asking your tailor to hem it. If you are most adventurous like my brother. He hem’s most of his pants on his own.
Here’s a youtube tutorial.
If you’re hemming your own pants, it’s important to choose the correct ‘break’. Usually, pants that are ‘half break’ or ‘no break’ will fit people who are shorter.
Summing up my fashion tips for short men post:
Hope you enjoyed my seven fashion tips for short men. Dressing up is all about coming out of your comfort zone. Trust me, it will feel very uncomfortable. I know! I’ve been there as well. It’s so daunting taking so many clothes to the changing room only to find clothes that doesn’t fit you.
The key is not giving up and experimenting with what fits YOU and your body. So remember these tips:
- Wear fitted clothing
- Go with vertical lines
- You can’t go wrong with single shade dressing
- Keep an eye on proportions
- Stand straight
- Hem your pants
- Try on V-necks
Once you’ve found clothes that fit you really well, it becomes easier. In fact, when I find shirts and pants that fit me, I’ll end up buying all the colors! I simply don’t want it to go out of stock and not being able to get it in the future.
If you need more fashion tips? Grab my Fashion Tips For Short Men free report. In the report, I have over 20 tips that you can use to dresser taller, feel more confident and awesome!
Go from Zero to HERO once you’re done with the report. I promise you, you’ll love the report.
So what are you waiting for. Download the free report now.
ey, I thought all engineers wore khaki pants and polo shirts. The young ones wear .
khaki cargo pants, polo shirts (untucked) and shoes like Sheldon Cooper. lol lol