Many of us suffer from heightism. The term “Heightism“ was made popular by the Second Barnhart Dictionary of New English‘s wide reaching audience in 1971 and now is a household phrase most short men have heard.
Today I thought it would be a fun topic to discuss about women dating short guys. Yup, classic stories about that involves heightism.
Before we begin: Here are a couple of fun facts about my previous dating life.
Fun fact #1: I once dated a girl who was taller than me. She didn’t mind that I was shorter than her. (I’m 5’4 in height,). We dated because she thought I was confident and funny.
Fun fact #2: I got rejected by girls who were taller than me because they couldn’t accept the fact that I was shorter than her.
Was I disappointed then? Sure.
Did I mind they were taller than me? I don’t.
Some guys do. If a woman is taller than them, they won’t date them.
The same applies to women dating short guys as well.
At the end of the day, it comes down to taste.
Some people love chocolate; some people love vanilla.
Some people won’t mind if it’s chocolate or vanilla.
Okay, that may not be the best analogy, I’m sure you understand where I’m coming.
Dating is all about personal preference.
- Some Caucasian men only date Asian women.
- Some men only date blonde women.
- Some men wouldn’t curvy women.
- Some women only date taller men.
- Some women only date African-American men.
- Some women wouldn’t date muscular men
- Some women wouldn’t date bald men.
I can go on and on.Some just look out for personality first instead of looks.
Some just look out for personality first, instead of looks.
It’s just that simple.
So, dear short men. If you get rejected by women who are taller than you, please know that it’s not YOU. It’s them.
You’re simply not their type, maybe it’s your personality, perhaps it’s your height. Who knows.
As I shared earlier, the taller girl I dated loved my personality. I made her laugh and put a smile on her face. We didn’t mind about each other’s height. What happened? We dated for a couple of months and things simply didn’t work out. I won’t go into detail.
What happened between me and her? It’s a long story, we dated for a couple of months and things simply didn’t work out. I won’t go into details. Let’s say just it was a mutual thing.
So, if you get rejected, just move on and look for the women of your dreams. She’s out there, and she will be willing to accept the fact that you’re shorter. How confident am I that you’ll find the women of your dreams? 100%.
I know because I found mine. We’ve been dating for over 9 years now. 9! We’ve been living together for the past 5 years. If you need dating tips for short guys, read this.
Anyway, I interviewed women who had dated shorter guys. I wanted to know what they think about dating shorter men.
Here what they had to say about dating short guys.
Dating Short Guys: Stories from Taller Women
Subject 1: Charlie
Typically I am more attracted to men of significant height, but I have dated two shorter men in the past. Dating them had nothing to do with their height, simply their personality and our compatibility.
Interview #2: Steffanie
I stand 5’11” tall, and I like to wear heels. I’ve dated men who are shorter than me, but not too much shorter. If their head doesn’t at least come to my shoulders when we’re standing up, I’m NOT okay with that.
But more importantly, if he’s okay with looking up to me and he’s a confident person I have been willing to get to know him better.
If am man’s initial conversation is about how tall I am, and he’s full of questions about why I wear heels, and he’s seems preoccupied with my height – or his lack thereof – I keep it moving.
Interview #3: Natalie
My last relationship my man was 5’3″ Tall.
Personally, I am only 5’0″ Tall.
The reason why I only date short guys is because they are a little more grounded (no pun intended) but I feel like most want to make up for their height in some way so they push themselves work wise and not so much on being a man whore. Also, I am just more attracted to shorter men.
When I did date a taller guy 6’4″ it just feels like your another girl… don’t appreciate you as much, or they just want sex. Since, I have sworn tall guys, anyone over 6’0″ off!!
Interview #4: Sabrina
They say big things come in small packages. There may be some truth to that, but as a woman who is 5’7″, I want to literally “look up” to a man, and not down or sideways. There is a feeling of protection that I get from a taller man, real or imagined.
Once, I attempted to date a shorter man, who was 5’6″ on a good day. Why? Because I was at a time in my life where I thought that I could not be so shallow as to date a man, or not, simply because of his height. He and I went out about three times and all the while, I kept thinking ‘I can see over his head. Damn, he’s short.’ I could no longer date him. I am that shallow. Looks matter. I stopped forcing myself to go out with men because it’s the politically correct thing to do.
Now, I only date men 5’11” and up.
Interview #5: Christina
I had opened myself up to this man that turned out to be perfect even though on the outside, being so short, it didn’t seem like he would have been my type. I now love adore respect and honor this man. I could wax on for pages about how wonderful he is to me and how much I enjoy having him in my life.
First, I want to say that it took me a while to overcome the height issue even though I continued dating him and several other men until I settled on him. That’s easy when you are not intimate with any of them. I knew people starred; I couldn’t stand to look at our reflection as we walked into a restaurant. Previously, I had my picture taken with a dear friend’s mother who is a tiny woman and I look like an absolute Amazon next to her, so I dreaded the idea of ever seen a photograph of this Jockey and I together even though I considered him devastatingly handsome. He just melts me. And because I’m a very strong personality, I didn’t want a man that I could intimidate in any way.
About a month after we began to date, I took a trip to Jerusalem and met a fascinating couple there. She was very tall and he was very short and they have been married for 15 years, had several children and he clearly doted on her. Somehow seeing them together helped me break through my insecurities of being with a shorter man. For you maybe it’s a different thing, maybe he’s bald or a different nationality, so just be open and take your time to let your comfort and attraction grow. I always say that a man can fool you for 4 to 6 months, and then his true personality will always begin to show so go slow.
Summing up:
So based on the stories that were shared with me. We can learn a few things.
- Some women only date short guys! woohoo!
- Some women based their date on their personalities
- Some women won’t date a guy who’s shorter.
- Some women won’t mind dating a short guy as long as he’s fine with it too.
- Some who will take a chance when dating short men.
If you enjoyed this dating short guys post, let me know.
Maybe I’ll start a series of dating short men blog post featuring these women. I would be a fun interview with pictures, their first date, etc.
As short guy 5’6″ I have my share of rejections, but mostly
from women like my height and then with those heels they
rise above me. I will usually hear your so good looking however your so short. Like I don’t know that I’m short,
however as I have gotten a little older it seems women more age
appropriate and who are much taller seem to be more interested
in my looks and personality than more shortness. I am presently
with a beautiful woman who is 5’11” and will wear heels and has no problem that she towers over me. My
I feel i must get this off my chest, I am a short man 5’3″
i don’t feel like i have some short man complex it’s simple i
know and except my shortness fortunately i was at least blessed
with good looks and inspite of that women reject me because of
my lack of height. I have achieved some financial success and still able to retain my good looks which now has allowed me the
opportunity to not only be with beautiful women, but tall and beautiful women. My present women friend is 6’1″ and if i want will wear hi heels and it’s amazing what a short man can
accomplish with a big bankroll almost brings me to eye level.
For a real short guy how is my personality?
Im 5’6 and im confused about this whole height thing.. its really all in your mind and your mind brings out vibrations that effect u on a concious level dont worry about your height.. ive been in many situations where ive drawn the girl in from that taller man many many many times ive been in clubs and im picking up every girl and the tall men are in the background looking at me like wtf how does he do it.. im no cassanova but ive got charm and confidence its all u need but u need to believe in yourself and make it happen..
As a male I was cursed with shortness of height and
blessed with good looks and as so many women have told
me the most beautiful blue eyes they have ever seen.
My 5’4″ stature and financial success along with my
beautiful bedroom eyes has made it possible for
me to bed some fabulous drop dead gorgeous tall
women and present significant other is 6’2″ and add
the heels and this woman has figured out how to take
the awkwardness from our relationship and it a total turn
on for both of us.
As a man who is height challenged being 5’4″ with a desire
to only be in the company of very tall women and find their
insecurities about our huge height difference in many cases
become very strong bonds as in a relationship with my present significant other who at 6’3″ barefeet and has no
problem wearing heels and no matter how awkward it
appears to others and the stares and comments only
seem to embrace our attraction and desire for one and other.