It is not easy to be a short guy. Truth be told, you are not only getting beaten by jokes about your size, you are genuinely having troubles coping with real life as a short guy. Take shopping for example. You need to buy a new shirt, and what seems like the simplest task for most guys, for short men, things are way different. Shirts for short men need to be “special” in a way. You need to find the right proportions, make sure the shirt is slim fit, and pay extra attention to details. And you need all of that so you can achieve streamlined look. Buy the wrong shirt, … [Read more...]
Look Taller: 6 things Short Men Should Never Wear in Public
Are you really 5'4? Do you photoshop your pictures? Those are some common questions I get on my Instagram. YES, I am 5'4, and no I don't use any photoshop or editing software to make myself look taller. Do you want to know my secret to 'look taller' in my pictures? I don't wear these six things in public. What are they? 1. Avoid Horizontal shirts I do feel only tall and thin people are suitable to wear horizontal shirts. Horizontal shirts are the worst for short people. Short men should only go for vertical clothes because of it gives that flow of the … [Read more...]
Ripped Jeans for Short Men: Where to buy it
If you have read my blog about on dressing taller for short men, one of the tips I shared was not to wear distressed or ripped jeans. It was a basic rule because the ripped part of the jeans will 'eliminated' that flow looks that we want. Flow tricks the eye into making you look taller because it doesn't have any distractions that are caused by ripped or distressed jeans. Having said that, recently I decided to purchase ripped jeans for myself. YES! you read that right. I broke the rule that we all know we shouldn't. Having said that, the jeans fit me … [Read more...]
Casual Jackets for Short and Stocky Men: Choosing the Right Fit and Color
Outlining specific guidelines and techniques when choosing and wearing jackets for a shorter body frame is as straightforward approach as they come. All the tips, suggestions, and ideas you’re about to read also tackle a certain men’s body type called endomorph so you can easily integrate these to your everyday style. Furthermore, everything boils down to the philosophy of simplifying your appearance in such a way that it aesthetically extends your silhouette. In general, you can achieve this sleek look just by experimenting with different jacket cuts, colors, and, of … [Read more...]
Best way for short men to learn how to dress better
Growing up, I was always terrible at dressing up. Dressing up changed my life, I shared how dressing up had changed my life in a longer blog post here. I learn how to dress better. On my Instagram account, I get people asking me about my height and asking me for some fashion tips. I respond to 100% of them (unless I missed it). In this post, I want to share with you the best ways for short men to learn how to dress. Many of them are based on my personal experience. Best way for short men to learn how to dress better 1. Know your body The first tip … [Read more...]