Looking for the best socks for smelly feet?
Imagine this, you’ll be going out for the entire day with the girl of your dreams. Everything was perfect, the weather was amazing, food was fabulous and you enjoyed your time with her. Then you decide to back to her place; you removed your shoes…..
and you stink up the entire room!!
Try getting lucky. ๐
Yeah, I may or may not have aggerated that.
I confess, I have smelly feet when I wear shoes the entire day.
My feet get sweaty easily. I hate it.
I’ve tried so many different types of socks, and different ‘cures’…. nothing worked.
At the end of the day, My feet STINKS! Like DURIAN if you smell it for the first time.
It was torture when I was working in Singapore a few years ago. My feet would sweat so easily since I took public transportation and was walking the entire day.
It came to a point where I just accepted I had sweaty and smelly feet, and my girlfriend had to live with it.
She hates it when we travel and I wear shoes! She hates the feeling of going back to the hotel room after a long day to the smell of my stinky feet.
Sorry babe.
The good news is…. I found the best socks for smelly feet!
YES! Say goodbye to foul smell feet. GOOD Riddance mother fuc***.
Here’s the thing. There’s nothing you can do about your sweaty feet. You can put powder to help to make it less sweaty, but it won’t help if you’re out for long hours.
I could go deep into the science of why your feet sticks, but that’s not the point of this post.
The primary focus is just getting rid of it without the need to be a little bit smarter. It’s tiring learning things all the time when you just want to find a solution for it.
Best Socks for Smelly Feet
Today, I want to share with you Silver Air Odorless socks. Seriously, it’s the best socks for smelly feet. I backed their Kickstarter campaign to try it and it worked. If you know me, if it works, I have to share it.
Fun fact, I wore the socks for ONE week! It did not stick!!!!!!!!!!
I brought two colors with me to Korea, alternating between the two and my socks still didn’t stick!
Here it is in action
I wore the socks every day for more than 12 hours since I was out traveling, eating and visiting tourist spots.
What black magic is this!!!
Don’t believe me? Go ahead to and read these reviews from others who had tried it.
Bought a pair of these socks last December despite being skeptical about them initially. But after wearing them, I am very very impressed that it lived up to its advertising! Truly odorless! bought 3 more pairs! ๐
Great socks not once have I smelled my feet.
I find that after one week, I do get a little smell, but it wasn’t as bad as wearing regular socks for a day. Lucky I was able to wash it after moving into a hostel and having a washing machine in my room.
These socks just work. Legend has it that it’s made out of the hair of witches that killed vampires in the 16th century
Whether you believe that story or not, this socks can help with your smelly feet. Try the SilverAir Socks. ๐