I admit, I’m one of Christian Guzman’s fan. I’m all about the THREE Fs.
- Fashion
- Fitness
- Food
Christian Guzman is pretty much a lifestyle role model for me. He eats and breaths the three Fs.
There just something about him and his youtube videos. Not only are they packed with so much value, you can feel his passion come through.
My girlfriend gets annoyed when she hears the intro of his youtube channel. She think’s I’m in love with him. HAH! #bromance
Today I thought it would be a fun idea to write a bit about THE Christian Guzman. I’m going to answer some of the questions that you might have.
Let’s start with the most important:
Christian Guzman Diet:
Christin follows a flexible macro counting diet. He eats what he wants, as long as it fits into his macros / diet.
Some of his food includes:
- Chipotle
- Basmati white rice
- Teriyaki Chicken
- Sushi!!
As of May 27th, 2016. Christian Guzman is on his prep and on cutting for his competition.
He’s about ten weeks out from stepping on stage and competing. At the moment, he’s eating about 2455 calories. Seriously. I think he’s going to win this year. In 2015, he placed second. This year Christian physique is definitely better than
Seriously. I think he’s going to win this year. In 2015, he placed second. This year Christian physique is definitely better than last year.
At the moment, what I know is the breakdown of Christian Guzman macros is:
- 220 Protein
- 270 Carbs
- 55 Fat
Christian Guzman diet plan is simple. He tracks his macros using My Fitness Pal. He weighs about 177 Lbs right now.
I recommend you watch his Summer Shredding series which goes on from Monday to Friday. You’ll be able to get a better idea of his macros, what he eats, etc. Seriously, the content is amazing.
Christian Guzman Age:
Christian is 23 years old.
Christian Guzman Birthday:
February 20, 1993
Christian Guzman Height
6’0″, 182 cm in height
Christian Guzman Workout:
Weight training for most days and LISS cardio after on most days since he started his Summer Shreadding.
Watch his Summer Shredding youtube series to get a better idea of what he does during the workout. He mentioned he’s not a fan of HIIT cardio.
That’s about it.
If you have any other questions about Christian Guzman, feel free to ask.
Don’t forget to follow Christian Guzman on his social media channels.
- http://instagram.com/christianguzmanfitness
- https://www.facebook.com/officialchrianguzman
- https://twitter.com/guzmanfitness
I’ll continue to update this post whenever I see those questions on his youtube channel or other social media channels.